Sunday, January 13, 2013

Black Sheep Society....has a nice ring to it.

Well a new chapter is beginning.  Shane and I (more Shane than I) have felt a calling for the past year or so.  We have felt the need to reach to people who are hurt, lost, confused, pissed off, complacent, and everything in between.  We have discussed having a 'home church' for years, but it really became something that has been heavy on us for the past year (or so).
    In our short time being 'Christians' (anything is short in contrast to eternity), we have become friends, with many different kinds of people. Sometimes, the friendship lasts....sometimes it doesn't.  It doesn't mean we don't still love these people. It means that sometimes, we need to walk away. Sometimes it's for our own good. Sometimes it is for their own good.  Sometimes it's because I get a burr up my ass and forget that I'm supposed to be forgiving and gracious.  (I'm still working on that) 
   We have decided to open our home for all people to meet together. Christians, non-christians, atheist, agnostic, Buddhists, Muslim, Jewish, Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans, Black, White, Hispanic, Rich, Poor, College Degree, Little Schooling, Conservative, Liberal,  Etc.  We feel that it is time for everyone to come together and love one another. (like Christ). There is so much that we can all learn from each other.  When you walk into our home, you are a guest. You are a guest like Christ sees you. You are a child of God. Whether you have accepted Him or not, He still loves you. 
     The time is now. If we don't outwardly express to our neighbor that they are loved, when do you expect to do it?  If we sit our pew expecting them to walk in the church door and come to us, we are disillusioned. Shane and I have been hurt in the past by some people just like any other person. We have been accused of being on a 'slippery slope', not 'real Christians', heretics, and just bad Christians.  I guess by SOME Christian standards, we aren't very good Christians.  We drink beer. We say curse words. We think being gay is not a sin. We still get tattoos. However....we don't follow other Christians. We follow Christ. We try to love like Him. (It ain't easy, my friend)  
    We will continue to attend the sweet little church in Clunette. It is small. It is in our community. It is full of love. We will be leaning on the urging of the Holy Spirit, Scripture, Love of Christ and Grace and Mercy of God.  I hope that everyone will take a moment to pray for us and all that come into our home. Pray that eyes are opened, hearts are changed, and lives enriched.  We will surely be praying for you.


  1. Love You...AGREE...Praying into an abyss of love and succeedding abundantly as you love as HE loves...and I knoiw you will...may surprise you with a visit.
    When and where?
    BTW...have I told you how much we LOVE YOU?

  2. Randi....I was telling my son, Cameron all about you the other day. I was on facebook and started trolling on you. It brought a smile to my face just mentioning your name. All the prayers you can muster will be appreciated. :)
    And guys have told us how much you love us and it NEVER gets old. We love you too. You are two of the sweetest people we know. Sincere, Down to earth, Consistent, Passionate....oh dear...I could go on. Thank you Randi. ~Janie

  3. Love you and your heart Janie . :)
    I know I feel blessed to be a part of a group like this . I need to belong to something like this especially for healing purposes and for connection. Im so close to getting up and leaving everything ,everyone behind because I feel so disconnected and lost here . Maybe this is God telling me that maybe if I stick around here longer I can find like minded people , a family . I may not be here much longer but at least while Im here I can form bonds , can heal and fix my relationship with God. Thank you so much for forming a group like this ...It may just be an answer to some of my prayers <3
