Thursday, December 5, 2013

Damn...I haven't done one of these in over 3 months. That's a long time in internet months.  I've 'threatened' it many times, but I have finally decided that I'm gonna hop back on this blogging pony. (mostly because I'm beginning to loathe facebook)

It's the holiday season, which I love.  I love the beginning of it with ingesting obscene amounts of food on Thanksgiving (which I was actually sick this year) to Christmas when people try to put things aside to be civil to each other all the way to The New Year. YES.....we get to START OVER. Make some resolutions this year. Make a bunch of them.  Write it down. Make some of the things achievable and some of them so far out there, that you know it won't happen, but it's nice to have goal (I fail at the no F-bomb by about January 2nd).

If you need some ideas, let me help you:
1. Lose weight....lame.  How about eat better and work out more?
2. Give more.....kind of open there. How about volunteering once a month at a particular place? It will make you feel better to help someone else.  You might make it more often later because it feels so nice.
3. Get a better job. Well, how about trying to make the job you have more enjoyable by having a different attitude?
4.  Save money. That's a great idea. Here's a suggestion Week one=$1  Week two=$2  Week three=$3  This is what I did last year and I had enough to buy our Wildgoose tickets. :)
5. Start a hobby. (make sure there isn't a big cost and you regret it within the first week).
6. Being less judgmental. (this means everyone....being pissy with someone that isn't like you is just as bad as people not liking you because you are who you are.) 
7. Spend more time outside. (start by setting a time to turn off your t.v., computer, phone) You'll have to do something....let's go outside.
8. Read more. (biography, self-help, novels, classics....whatever)
9. Try becoming more self sufficient.
10. Stop bitching and do something. (This is in particular with things that I can change, but I'm too busy complaining about it to do something.)

I'm suggesting these....because they interest me. I think these will be on my list this year as well as the  "No F-bomb".

1 comment:

  1. Bring it ON! Fabulous, Janie! (Praying our paths cross again - and next time, not so much "periphery" as ENTWINE!) ;)
