Thursday, October 11, 2012

I don't know how many. One?

It has been a little while. I know that everyone is checking my blog daily (if not twice daily) to see what kind of things I can complain about.  I found one.  Ready?
     You have a tattoo or ten or whatever.....I really don't care.  I owned a shop at one time. I have a lot (I don't know how many.....after a don't count them). It's actually considered a pretty douchebag thing to do.  If you want advice on where to get one? Sure. Ask away. You want to tell me about the 'awesome party your brother had where tattoos were paid with beer and weed'? Got news for ya.....I can tell.  You get what you pay for. Same goes for piercings. Sure.....go to the place down the street that will put 5 holes in your face for $20.   How about going to a place where the body modifier takes the time to talk to you, explain to you, and make sure you are happy?
   Starting, Owning and Running a tattoo/body piercing studio for a year a half has taught me MORE than you can imagine.  It really is like being rock star. Yeah, most of the old people hate it. Parents don't understand their children who are into it (except for the really cool parents).  Sometimes it's seedy and dirty. Sometimes it's out there in the open. Sometimes it's an experience that is healing. 
    Now, let's get to the bottom of what this really is; People judging others for getting, giving, or accepting body modifications.  First of all, I could not give two squirts (thank you Ryan) about what others think of my tattoos. I really couldn't.  I have them and I don't regret them.   Is it excessive?  Sure.....I guess.  Not a whole lot of Christ followers in northern Indiana are walking around with a sleeve and chest piece. (give it time). Men can usually get away with being heavily tattooed. Trust me, winter time....people don't look twice.  Once summer hits and the tank tops come out, I have become TEEN WOLF.  People (mostly female between 30-50) look at me as if I will eat their dog or child. What will my skin look like when I'm 80?  Who cares? Why would you care?  I think I'll be the hottest looking old lady that is naked on a beach somewhere. 
Here are the facts people:
1.  almost 40% of Americans have a tattoo.
2. professionals get tattoos (lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, clergy.....)
3. it is becoming more accepted however don't be pissed off if the new daycare doesn't want to hire the girl with her boyfriends name on her forehead.
4. people hide them because they are afraid of what others will think. (dirty little secret).
5. quoting levitical law to  non-believer and believers is not only ineffective, but it makes you look like an asshole. (keep reading your levitical laws and tell me what else it says and how you are following everything)
   So there is my little rant for the week. Hopefully you have a little insight of the 'tattooed' person if you aren't already tattooed. You might take the advice of NOT asking how many someone has. You might even learn to appreciate the artwork for what it is.  If not, that's OK because.....Jesus loves me JUST LIKE THIS!!!!!!

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