Friday, October 19, 2012

There is something about Fall....

  Fall used to be my favorite time of the year. I loved the cooler weather.  The smell of bonfires. The changing of colors. The warmth when I would come into my house after raking leaves. Well, I've noticed over the past few years....especially this year....I'm not enjoying it like I did.   Maybe it's the cooler attitudes. The smell of condescension. The changing of attitudes. Or the lack of warmth between brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances....etc.
     Over the past couple of years. I have changed. I have grown (spiritually and physically).  I realize that we aren't all going to agree about politics, religion, social issues, parenting, or even what time our children should go to bed.  What I have failed to realize is that people can't seem to be OK with other people NOT being like them.  Trust me this would be ugly. Can you imagine the world full of Janie Ragers?  It would be awesome, but let's face might be overwhelming. 
    I'm an unfundamentalist Christian. This does NOT mean Anti-fundamentalist Christian.  I believe that Jesus is God.  I believe the Bible. I believe that I don't understand everything in the bible. I believe that God is neither Male or Female. He is ALL.  I believe God wants to forgive and teach us, not judge and punish us.  I believe in some evolution (Science and God can go together).  I think the apostle Paul was pretty awesome, but I follow Christ....not Paul. I don't believe that being gay is a sin.  There are more things that we may agree or disagree on and that is OK.  My job is to love God. My job is to love my neighbor as myself.  This means ALL my neighbors. I love the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Judgmental Christians.  My job is to love YOU where you are. God will work on you through me.  If I do what God has called of me, then you will see what a life lived for Christ looks like.  I want to please God. To some people this means being a missionary or working at the homeless shelter or becoming an environmentalist. Whatever it means to you.....GREAT. Go do it! 
    What I don't need is people trying to convert my belief system (inside Christianity). Yes...we are saved by Grace. I know this. I accept this. I live my life from this. Attacking, Talking down upon, Being hypocritical is in no way Christ-like.  If other Christians are offended by this, why would any non-Christian want any part of it?  Just love your neighbor. Let God do what God does. Sometimes.....ok most of the time, we get in the way.
  With that, I say "Good Day and God Bless". Jesus loves me just like this, I hope you can too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jonathan, I'm sure we can find something to disagree on. :) Thank you for the positive feedback though. Have a good one!!!
