Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Well....Thanksgiving day is almost over. I'm not going to sit here and complain about people 'giving thanks on Thursday and then busting down the doors on Friday'.  I've done this. I've done this every year of my married adult life (if I wasn't working).  Wanna know the kicker?  I don't remember really buying Christmas gifts. I bought mostly stuff for me. Oh...I would say "We 'need' a new television." or "We 'need' another 15 movies that we may or may not watch."  Seriously, I'm not really sure why I did this. I feel a little sick to my stomach. I feel ill reading posts about people camping outside.  I feel angry thinking about the homeless who would LOVE to have the tent that some of these people are sleeping in. Now when I say "these people", I mean you. I mean me.  I'm ashamed.  I'm ashamed that I don't think of these beautiful people more often than I do. 
     I'm in a different place in my life. I don't have the amount of money that I used to. I try to live simply. I coupon. I don't buy new. I barter. I go without things that aren't really necessary. I have to tell you though, I'm incredibly rich. I have so much. I have a grandmother who had a stroke a week ago and is still as sassy as ever.  I have both of my parents who treat me like the sun rises and sets on me, Shane and the kids.   I have some true friends that I have met from different points in my life that make ME want to be a better person.  I have a family at home that is not only entertaining, but genuine. We make each other laugh and drive each other crazy. Best of all. LOVE. I have love. I have love for a God that is so amazing He loves me even though I'm incredibly neurotic, selfish, needy, bitchy, inconsistent, etc.... I have love for a neighbor that is NOTHING like me, EVERYTHING like me, and everything in between.
    So this year, I won't be knocking any doors down to get any good deals.  I can't think of anything I really need. He has already provided me with that. He has even given me most of my wants.  OK....I might go to Menards.They are running a pretty sweet deal on batteries and I still have a rebate. :)

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