Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Post about the weather....nah...let's talk about movies.

    Well, this is a little bit about the weather. When it's crappy outside, I tend to have more movies playing than usual. Yesterday I 'watched' 4 movies. I say 'watched', but what I mean is, they were playing.  You see, I would rather listen to a movie that I have seen over and over and over instead of listening to the radio. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I don't have a great singing voice? Maybe it's because T.V. was always a great escape.  I LOVE watching T.V.   I LOVE watching movies.  They don't have to be award winning movies either.  I like to be entertained.  Where am I going with this? Well....
    Sometimes I get a little crap from people because of the movies I allow my children to watch. NOW...what movies?  Cameron LOVES war and spy movies. He loves Red Dawn, James Bond, Hunt for Red October, Platoon....and so on. Is it appropriate? In comparison to what?
   Maximus loves Power Rangers, Rugrats, Tomb Raider (Cameron's old favorite), Indiana Jones.....and so on. Is it appropriate? Again. In comparison to what?
   As a family, we have watched movies like Benny and Joon (drops the F-bomb numerous times) but a wonderful film, Anchorman (again the F-bomb is dropped numerous times) but still hilarious, Caddyshack (boobies are displayed and a little girl tells the lifeguard to "go shave his ass"). How is that NOT funny?  What I'm getting at is this:
    The movies that I allow my children to watch is no worse than the crap I see on regular television.  "But they swear so much. Do you want your kids to use the F-word?" The answer is No.  However I don't want them to take the Lord's name in vain either, but that doesn't stop the Disney Channel and feel good shows like The Biggest Loser from saying it repeatedly. You see, I'm a realist. 
     Look. Boobies aren't dirty. (Max will tell you when Boobie Parts are coming up in a movie). Cuss words are only as strong as we let them be.  I watched all sorts of movies when I was a kid. The only thing it did was make me afraid to go to camp because some guy in a hockey mask was waiting for me as well as his friend wanting me to fall asleep. I couldn't wait to go to college because they never went to class. They just had carnivals, kissing booths, and ride around a track on a tricycle while drinking a beer after every lap.  Seriously the ratings for movies are a joke. I'm technically not supposed to let my daughter watch Anchorman (rated R), but watching The Grudge (PG-13) is perfectly fine.
   Hey kids.....Wanna watch National Lampoons Vacation?

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