Tuesday, July 9, 2013

US/THEM, WE/ THEY.....Let's face it.....The Haves/The Have Nots

     When you think of the welfare system, what do you think about?

~Are you looking at the mom at the grocery store on her iphone using her 'food cash' thinking "more of MY money being wasted?"
~Are you looking at the 'brown couple' at the welfare office thinking "THEY come in here and take our jobs and welfare and leave nothing for the rest of US?"
~How about the tattooed woman who is at the WIC office?  What's her deal?  "I bet she doesn't even have a husband."
    Yeah...Most of us have thought about at least one of these things at one time or another. You think these things until you finally stop and realize "what the hell do I know?"  Maybe that mom has had an iphone for 4 years and her parents pay for it to stay in contact?  Maybe the 'brown couple' are US citizens and are just a little down on their luck because the company that underpays decided to lay people off so the management could get raises?  Maybe the tattooed woman is at the WIC office to ensure that her child gets the absolute best care he/she can possibly get.
     Why are we so quick to judge?  And why on earth are we so quick to assume that everyone who receives ANY assistance at all is a drug user?  If the person receiving assistance DID have an addiction problem, why aren't we more concerned with them getting treatment, instead of demanding their children go without. (when we think that drug addicts with children shouldn't receive anything, that's EXACTLY what we are doing).

    I'm not saying that the welfare system isn't flawed. It is.  However.....when you hop down off your HIGH HORSE for just a second and see it from someone elses view....maybe it isn't what it seems.  How many people do you know that have been 'layed off' from work and didn't exactly 'look for another job'?  How many of them celebrated in the streets when there was an extension for their unemployment?  I bet the numbers are higher than you think.  I'm not saying unemployment benefits are wrong or using the benefits should be considered deceitful.  However, there is a fine line.  One is just considered OK and the other is not.  This is a Classist issue:

Classism:(-n) The belief that people from certain social or economic classes are superior to others.

Classist (-adj)

I will say....I thank God for never requiring me to pee in a cup to see if I was worthy of his Grace, Mercy, and Love.   Jesus Loves me just like this.


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